Month: August 2019

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Interview in Fanfare magazine.

Niklas Sivelöv, Pianist and Composer BY MARTIN ANDERSON A century ago one could find a plethora of musicians like Niklas Sivelöv, where one couldn’t draw a line between composer and executant: Rachmaninoff is the example we remember today, but there were dozens, even hundreds, of composers who made their living on the concert platform and…
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London: (Barbican Hall) “ a pianist of utmost sensational quality” Geneve: (Prokofiev 3) “ Niklas Sivelov est un pianiste dont l’intelligenc e sait explorer toutes les ressources de son instrument…et avec un virtuosité pe ́tillante.” Copenhagen: (Tivoli) “With an intense brilliance, a finely controlled touch, exquisitely formed detail and an impeccable sense of style” Aalborg…
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